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Doris Morrison Learning Center


The overarching goal for the Doris Morrison Learning Center is to become a shell for learning and appreciation of the Saltese Flats Wetland’s unique history, geology, and ecosystem. 

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Kennewick School District Facility Services Building


This new facility provides an efficient, collaborative space to house Kennewick School District’s Capital Planning & Maintenance and Grounds & Custodial Departments. Offices, storage, workspace and shop facilities are included within the facility.

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USDA Fruit Tree Certification Lab


The WSDA Fruit Tree Registration and Certification Program has a long history of service to the fruit tree nursery industry of Washington State, beginning in the 1950’s. The need for healthy, disease free planting stock has long been recognized as the cornerstone of Washington’s $1 Billion apple, pear and cherry fruit production system. In collaboration with WSU and the federally funded Clean Plant Center Northwest at Prosser, WSDA virologists map, monitor, test and index over 90,000 registered mother trees held at nurseries around the State. These virus tested trees serve as the budwood source for millions of certified grafted fruit trees planted in orchards each year. WSDA certified trees give Washington growers access to foreign markets for nursery stock, which must meet rigorous international requirements for pest freedom.

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