
Adams County Health Care Center

AdamsCountyHealth7 ALSC
AdamsCountyHealth4 ALSC
AdamsCountyHealth5 ALSC
AdamsCountyHealth8 ALSC
AdamsCountyHealth10 ALSC
AdamsCountyHealth12 ALSC
AdamsCountyHealth9 ALSC
AdamsCountyHealth6 ALSC
AdamsCountyHealth2 ALSC
AdamsCountyHealth3 ALSC
AdamsCountyHealth11 ALSC
AdamsCountyHealth13 ALSC
AdamsCountyHealth1 ALSC

The program for this new medical clinic facility is anticipated to include Family Practice Medicine (including Telemedicine), Emergent/Urgent Care, Primary and Preventative Dental, Optometry, Behavioral Health Counseling (Including Telehealth), Physical Therapy, in-House Pharmacy, Radiology Suite, and Laboratory.

Offices for primary/support personnel as well as administrative personnel will be included if budget allows.

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