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Virtual Reality in Building Design


ALSC incorporates virtual technology into our design process to give clients better visualization of future building projects.

Wearing virtual reality goggles, someone using 3-D technology can step into the middle of a North Pines Middle School common space that doesn’t exist yet.

With the same goggle headset, the person with a head tilt or circular movement can get a panorama view of that school space designed by ALSC Architects PS, of Spokane. Just over a year ago, the firm began incorporating more virtual technology into its design work to give clients better visualization of future building projects.

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STCU & Rocket Bakery


Spokane Teachers Credit Union (STCU) and Rocket Bakery share this two-story, 3,300 square foot space adjacent to Urban Outfitters in downtown Spokane. The design reflects a unique partnership and required thoughtful planning since STCU and Rocket Bakery operate on different schedules.

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Fitness Facilities: It's All in the Family!


More and more athletic and fitness facilities are embracing an “all in the family” mentality when it comes to programming spaces, activities and staff into their business plans and buildings to ensure that there are activities for people of all ages.  However, some States grant exemptions to fitness facilities offering short term child care from needing to comply with Child Care Licensing Rules and Regulations. 

 "Fitness Facilities: It's All in the Family" explores design attributes that should be present in an infant through elementary school age child watch area of a fitness facility.

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Beyond the Blueprint: The Story of STCU & Rocket Bakery


"Beyond the Blueprint: STCU & Rocket Bakery" tells the story of how ALSC collaborated with STCU and Rocket Bakery to create a shared space with a uniquely urban vibe in Downtown Spokane.

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North Pines Middle School Replacement


This project involves the replacement of the existing North Pines Middle School with a new 85,800 sf building, removal of the existing 105,000 sf school, removal of the nearby Broadway Apartments and reconfiguration of the site to meet parking, vehicular movement and outdoor field needs.

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Pine Bowl Stadium Improvements, Whitworth University


Whitworth University recently unveiled a new Field Turf Revolution 360 artificial surface at the Pine Bowl Stadium. The new turf features Whitworth’s logo at midfield and reads “Pirates” in both black and crimson end zones.

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Partnership for Success: Kalispel Development Partnership


Thank you to our amazing partners at Kalispel Tribe of Indians and Northern Quest Resort & Casino. It has been an honor to collaborate with you on multiple projects over the past decade. 

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Jim Darcy Elementary School


The new Jim Darcy Elementary School is designed to accommodate 500 students. The new  school features grade level classroom pods with breakout spaces, a full size gymnasium, multi-purpose room, special services support, library and computer room.

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